Feb 28, 2008


I Am From Life
-Ashley Green

I am from long summer nights; lying in the sand;
Watching fireworks over the motionless water;
Games of Frisbee played on the hot asphalt road;
Until well after dark;
Lying on the grassy hill with neighbors watching the sun set,
Turning the sky pinks and purples.

I am from the tears of leaving one home for another,
Never to return;
The loneliness of a new school,
And not knowing where to go;
The fear of a new start,
Alone and outcasted;
The pain on not being accepted.

I am from the sounds of live music
In a small overcrowded theater;
The long bike rides with a close friend,
Never knowing when to return home;
A sleigh ride in a neighbor’s yard,
On a long awaited snow day.

I am from the tears of lost loved ones,
Friends and family alike;
Arguments between us,
Some never resolved;
The scars left in painful times,
Some of which still surface;
Grudges held with no real reason,
Causing bonds never to be made.

I am from the connections made,
Through opening up for a day;
People to lean on in hard times,
Through simply knowing their ‘brother;’
A big sister and big brother,
A close relationship with each;
Stuffed friends to cuddle with,
Because they never get angry at you.

I am from the forgiveness of mistakes;
Second chances,
both given and received;
Secrets kept between us,
Two people who are sisters in everything but blood.
Nights spent on movie marathons,
Broadway plays, horror films, and chick flicks.
I am from childish tendencies,
Things like coloring and legos;
Boyish attitudes,
Desires to do things like hike and run free;
Adult advice,
Give on relationships and school.

I am from secret crushes kept silent inside;
Open love, admitted at just the right moment;
Moments spent alone, happy, calm.

I am from everything I have been through;
Every thought;
Every feeling;
Every smile;
Every tear.

I am from Life.

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